Hello! My name is Sadness and I'm addicted to making layouts. I can't help but be perpetually inspired by seeing everyone's amazingly creative designs! I also get bored very quickly.

Hope you enjoy poking around here, there's a lot to discover on the 'net!

The internet is crucial for social community and information discovery. We have so much at our fingertips, but it has been 'hidden' from our view.

We must fight against the way the internet has changed, the way it has evolved into a corporate hellscape.

11/02: Posted some new guides to the Website Help page, including a YT video on how to use the "Inspect" tool in Chrome.

10/06: Been working on a lot of tools, including a websurfing tool inspired by StumbleUpon.

09/27: Wrote about Oppression and designed a new cyber café page

09/16: Recently completed a no-code layout builder and Quizilla-style quiz generator.

09/12: Wrote an article about some unique pockets of the internet and created a quizilla-style quiz maker here.

09/07: Created
Pages & Links 101 for newbies and ranted about how everything is falling apart

09/03: Made a guide for flexbox and a page for my cats

08/31: *whispers* it's that time of year again...

08/30: Updated my listing of tiled backgrounds and organized them by color.

If you have a question for me you'd like answered, send me an email!